
Cover orange level 106
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Omnivorous but with a preference for meaty foods. Tankmates could include any small-medium sized peaceful shoaling fish that occupy the mid to upper levels of the water column and which also enjoy the warm, fast-flowing conditions. In most instances though, they can be maintained in small groups as long as there is adequate room and enough hiding places to go round.

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The Spotted Orange Seam Plec is generally peaceful, but it will show minor territorial aggression towards its own kind if not given enough space. Small frequent partial water changes will help keep nitrate to a minimum as a riverine species these fish are rather sensitive to the build up of nitrogenous waste. There should be brisk water movement and a high level of oxygenation, perhaps provided by powerheads (in addition to the current generated by the filtration). As plants are not found in any great abundance in the natural habitat, they can be omitted from the aquascape, although a few areas of hardy vegetation (that can cope with current) will make the aquarium look more aesthetically pleasing and will help with water quality.

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The aquarium should be mature, with a soft sand or fine rounded gravel substrate and various pieces of smooth rockwork and bogwood arranged to create lots of shady caves and crevices. Here these suckermouth catfish inhabit fast-flowing, highly oxygenated waters over a rocky substrate that provides a multitude of dark hiding places. The Spotted Orange Seam Plec is known only from the Rio Orinoco drainage, Venezuela.

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